The Archives
A location for any information related
to the process of creating the
Experiencing Information Project,
such as notes, thesis proposals, documents,
essays, and any other material that was used
to conceptualize the project from its inception.
The Journal
The Idea Journal
Conversation with Dr. Loewe about the shape of the project after a semester of research
The Thesis Preparation
The Thesis Prep Documents
The beginning of preparing a thesis. Project 1 involved setting a preliminary schedule, beginning to formulate a research question, and obtaining a thesis advisor to sponsor the project.

The Iphone Notes

The process of coming up with new ideas is messy. Not every idea will make the cut, and thats okay.
Bad drafts are part of the learning process. What's important is to avoid stagnation by continually moving forward. More concise and articulate ideas will come from increasing your exposure with a concept.

Additional Archives

My First Photoshop Design
Circa 2009.
The Definitive Thesis Playlist

The Experiencing Information HQ
This thesis project is a result of the ideas I've encountered throughout my personal and academic education, the interactions and conversations I've had with the extraordinary people around me, and the guidance of my teachers, mentors, and family, for which I would be nowhere without. I wish to thank my mentor, David Waldron, for the dozens of conversations that have been filled with profound lessons, wisdom, and knowledge that I remain with me after four years at St. Edward's. I would like to thank Dr. Michael Kart for his indispensable guidance as my thesis advisor for this project. I walked into his office in September with many lofty and incoherent ideas of what I dreamed that my project could become. Although I almost scared him away at first, I am grateful that he gave me a shot. I am lucky to have been among the students to have been a part of Dr. Drew Loewe's Thesis Preparation class in the fall. It is rare to find a professor that not only is focused on having his students succeed on their own pursuits, but that also is willing to take a non-traditional approach to teaching that allows flexibility for each students' needs. It was also through my conversation with my peers and friends in that class that the idea for this project first began to develop, so I have Kenny, Philo, Mathilde, Katy, and Alessandra to thank as well. I have been fortunate to be able to learn about User Experience and Agile Project Management ​directly from professors Thomas Moe and John Mulholland this semester, which have made the learning of the subjects of my thesis all the more enriching.
It has been a blessing to get to go to work everyday under the leadership of someone who I truly admire. It is largely due to the direction of my supervisor and role model, Danny Lorenty, at St. Edward's OIT that I have been able to be a part of so many incredible projects that have challenged me to push my boundaries professionally and creatively. If you would have told me that I would be in charge of developing an art installation over 10 feet tall at the beginning of my college career, I wouldn't have believed it. In addition to Danny and David, I have Tony Chavez and Noah Wight to thank for the success of the installation. The installation is as much their creation as it was mine. For me, working on 1Byte was a dream come true. Special thanks are also due to Lauren and Jon at Elevate Growth Partners, who have also given me the guidance to continue to develop my skills as a designer and professional.
As I looked back to the roots behind the project, I couldn't help but trace my inspirations for the project back to the teachers that have had a life-altering impact on my perception of the world around me. Thank you to Dr. Peter Wake and Dr. Peter Austin for opening the doors to the world of philosophy and history, bringing the beauty and wisdom of the subjects alive in a way that I had never experienced prior to their classes. Thank you also to Dr. Mark Cherry for his secular teachings on ethics, which have altered the way I perceive my role as an individual and as a member of society.
Tracing back even further, It was through the warm support of my art teachers Lin Altman and Kathy Del Hierro that I was able to cultivate the roots of my creativity from a young age. It was also through the help of my GT teachers Mary Ann Russell and Rhoni McClennahan that I first began to understand how creativity could be applied outside of the realms of art, onto places such as my decision making and my problem solving. Lastly, I would like to thank my middle school tech-systems teacher Damon Fiske. It was thanks to him that I first began to fall in love with technology and computers (and Daft Punk!). It would be during his classes that I would first be exposed to several design tools, such as photoshop, that are essential to the creation of my designs to this day.
An acknowledgment page for this project would not be complete without thanking my family,
Gerardo Sr., Martha, and Fernando, for putting up with me– and for all their love and support.
Thank you also to so many of my close friends that heard me ramble or saw me work on the project throughout the year– you know who you are. I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded by such incredible people in all aspects of my life. It is through their example that I strive to grow into a better human being.